Office Products News

Charity Fund

2024 Charity Golf Day

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Photo top left: John Donaghy with Glen Shepherd and Glenn Gunstone from Winc.

Photo bottom right: John Donaghy with Hamelin Brands' Grahame Fear, Nicholas Afriat and Adrian Hargreaves.

24 May 2023

The scratch winning  ACCO Brands team (pictured), from left, Craig Watson, Joel Anderson (Sharp Office) , MC John Donaghy, Adam Colman and John...

18 October 2022

Australian Office Products Charitable Fund - An Introduction 

8 June 2022

The winning team in the 18-hole ambrose competition – taking out both the scratch and net categories – comprised Opal’s Tony Richards, Marcus...

30 November 2020

Golf day sponsors and supporters include: Opal (Australian Paper), Dynamic Supplies, Hamelin, Office Brands, Office Choice (drinks cart sponsor...

30 November 2020
30 November 2020
10 December 2019

Clockwise from top left:

Oh behave Santa!

8 December 2019

Clockwise from top left:

7 December 2019

Clockwise from top left:

Dame Edna and friends.

6 December 2019

Clockwise from top left:

Dame Edna flanked by Jon McBriar (Mitsubishi Pencil) and Nich Lee (Staedtler).

1 November 2019

Clockwise from top left:

Santa points out Winc's Glen Shepherd.