Winc relaunches e-waste disposal program

There’s value in that old electronic junk.
Winc Australia has relaunched its IT Asset Disposal Program to coincide with the Victorian Government’s e-waste bin ban, which took effect earlier this month.
E-waste – or electronic waste – is growing three times faster than the rate of standard municipal waste according to Sustainability Victoria and contains many potentially hazardous and valuable materials.
Winc’s IT Asset Disposal program aims to help businesses by maximising the economic and social potential of their old IT assets.
As e-waste can still hold value, Winc is providing businesses with a tailored IT Life Cycle Management solution.
“This management solution can help reduce the cost and complexity of IT management from the time of purchase until asset disposal, managing corporate risk and government compliance and increasing the return across IT assets,” Winc Australia CEO Darren Fullerton said.
“Old equipment such as PCs, devices, enterprise servers, storage systems, photocopiers, printers, networking products, IT monitors and TVs may still hold value, so you’ll want to check what they’re worth before sending them off to be recycled,” he said
“Our IT Asset Disposal (ITAD) program can put a value on your old IT assets, providing you with a credit to put towards new and replacement assets and future Winc purchases,” he added.
If an organisation’s e-waste cannot be recycled in the above way, Winc also provides an environmentally-friendly recycling service for any item that has no commercial resale value (due to age or condition).
The Winc program guarantees “minimal landfill” and involves detailed disassembly of each item of equipment, with various components then sold to specialist recyclers around the world. Due to the labour-intensive nature of this solution, disposal comes at a ‘per unit’ cost.
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Date Published:
31 July 2019